
Buda Hills - A Trail Paradise in the Capital

Not a lot of capitals can boast with such trail potential as Budapest, with the Buda Hills practically starting in the city. This low mountain range offers numerous hiking paths among its 300-500 meter peaks where the capitol-dwelling hikers and trail runners can easily get their fill of nature and exercise even on weekdays, after or before work.

This post is the first in series in which I share information about our personal trail paradise.

Places to Start From

Here are some ideal starting points for your runs and hikes that are all easily accessible from the city by car or public transport.

1. Fenyőgyöngye

Possibly the trail runners' favourite, this easily accessible starting point provides great access to the northern and central part of the Buda Hills.

Get here with: Bus 65 from Kolosy square or by car (free parking)
Run/hike from here to: Hármashatár Hill, Újlaki Hill, Árpád Tower, Nagy- and Kis-Hárs Hill, János Hill, etc.

2. Normafa

A popular destination for family excursions, Normafa does not only offer beautiful scenery and some restaurants and buffets, but also provides access to the central and southern part of the Buda Hills.

Get here with: Bus 21/21A from Széll Kálmán sqaure or by car (free parking)
Run/hike from here to: Tüdér Hill, János Hill, Nagy- and Kis-Hárs Hill, Vörös Hill, etc.

3. Hűvösvölgy

Located near the most popular peaks of the Buda Hills, the starting station of the Children's Railway has long been a very popular starting point of family excursions, hikes and trail runs as well.

Get here with: Tram 61 from Móricz Zsigmond/Széll Kálmán square, and various buses or by car (free parking)
Run/hike from here to: Homok Hill, Fekete-fej, Nagy- and Kis-Hárs Hill, János Hill, Hármashatár Hill, Újlaki Hill, Árpád Tower, etc.

4. Szépjuhászné

Perched just between John's Hill and Nagy-Hárs Hill, this station of the Children's Railway can be the perfect starting point for short but intense hikes and runs.

Get here with: Bus 22/22A/222 from Széll Kálmán square or by car (free parking)
Run/hike from here to: Nagy- and Kis-Hárs Hill, János Hill, Vörös Hill, Fekete-fej, Tündér Hill, Normafa, etc.

5. Nagykovácsi

This nice little town just outside of Budapest is the perfect vantage point if you want to venture into the further parts of the Buda Hills, which include Nagy-Kopasz Hill, the highest point of the mountain range (559 m).

Get here with: Bus 63 from Hűvösvölgy or by car (free parking)
Run/hike from here to: Nagy-Szénás Hill, Meszes Hill, Nagy-Kopasz Hill, Alsó-Zsíros Hill, Remete Hill

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